A big thank you to all who have supported us in preparing for the judging of Highcliffe and Walkford in Bloom by a South and South-East in Bloom. We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a Silver Gilt Award!
A huge thank you to all that have helped us over the past year to achieve these results. Our waterers and the many litter pickers throughout are Parish, both known and unknown to us, who are mainly active in the 'quiet hours' of the day when few people are around contribute greatly to our entry and throughout the year.
Judging took place on 14 July and it was lovely to see our floral displays, appreciated by many, were looking good and front gardens were the best I have seen. Although we only had time to look at one in detail on the day the judge however will have seen many more as we drove around.
Our route took us from Gordon Road to Chewton Common Playgroup, where Helen continues to inspire the children in the use of plants and associated wildlife to produce a stunning display. Next was Nea Meadows to view and discuss the valuable meadow area with BCP countryside officer, Robin Harley, before driving to the northern end of Hinton Wood Avenue. On to Walkford where we stopped near the shops to admire the colourful planted display, then to The Walkford with its excellent hanging baskets, followed by the allotments and the bus shelter area where Walkford Green Action Group (GAG) have been instrumental in improving the area.
From there it was the turn of the High Street where the judge spoke to our retiring member of our Group, Roger Lounds, who has spent almost 3 years once a fortnight helping to keep the area near Tesco's cross roads area clean and free of weeds. If anyone would like to continue his work please let me know.
Impressed by our floral displays other colourful planting contributed to the street scene and we would like to thank the following for their own contribution in brightening up the High St. - the Launderette, the Sports and Social Club, Two Bees by the Sea, the Methodist Church, Gifted and Bistro My Way. Please thank them for their efforts which we hope will encourage others to participate by planting floral features. Finally we walked along the clifftop and ended at the Waterford Road seating area enjoyed by so many.
We are now planning for next year and have chosen red, white and blue for our spring display and we will soon be planning for next summer.
The bed outside Sue Ryder's will be replanted this autumn with small shrubs and herbaceous plants to minimise the need for water in the future. We have also taken on the maintenance of the small-seated area next to the Globe car park where we will be doing some work this winter.
As always if you liked gardening but moved to this area to reduce the amount of physical work like some of us, but now miss it, do have a chat and see how you may be able to assist our Group with little practical work involved.
WE NEED YOU 01425 277313 ssmith.campanula@gmail.com