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BCP Local Plan25 March 2024

As a Highcliffe &Walkford Resident should you be concerned?

The Plan will replace the three separate Plans for Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole, so this is a major step and puts in place the ‘blueprint’ for planning and development for the next 15 years.

Nationally as well as locally, there is a housing shortage and the Plan goes a long way to meet the future need of homes for people and families. The Plan, and its many sections can be found on the BCP Council website as well as available at Christchurch Library.

Have your say on the local plan | BCP (

The Plan, a comprehensive and detailed document, covers the ‘overarching’ strategy and the policies for determining planning applications and Part 2 provides detailed land use proposals for each of the 33 wards; the important bit! The Section for Ward is available to view here.

Some background for the Highcliffe & Walkford Ward

Green space – in December the Secretary of State gave further assurances that Green Belt land or agricultural land will not be taken for development. Good news for the Green Belt land in Chewton Farm Road and near Cranemoor Avenue. Interestingly the Ward has the second highest tree coverage of any Ward in the whole of BCP. A map in the Plan shows the abundance of green space we enjoy.

2021 Census – the Ward population, of just under 14,000, comprises some 44.6% people over 65, which is the highest percentage across the whole of the conurbation (e.g. BCP area 21.6%, Christchurch Town 27%). The upper age cohort can be seen as a function of an attractive retirement location given the coastal location as well as the significant stock of chalet bungalows/bungalows/flats, including modern coastal fronting flat developments. 

National Planning Policy Framework (update) – in December the Secretary of State confirmed the removal of mandatory housing targets, which gives BCP Council more flexibility to the figures for Wards set out in the Plan.

Recent housing development trends – as part of the Highcliffe & Walkford Neighbourhood Plan 2020–2028, a ‘housing supply’ study (December 2020) confirmed an overwhelming development of flats, (72%) as against houses (28%) and this trend has continued. Highcliffe and Walkford Neighbourhood Plan | BCP (

Housing mix – BCP’s own housing studies confirmed more family homes and more affordable homes are needed. ‘Over recent year many planning applications have been for one-and two-bedroom flat developments. This imbalance in the housing stock has been of concern to Councillors across the conurbation’. This is evident in the Ward area with over 120 flat developments south of the Lymington Road (A337) to the coast alone!


Key Issues from the Plan for Highcliffe & Walkford

Housing numbers - Each of the 5 Wards in Christchurch has ‘expected’ number of new homes in the Plan period.



With Consent Planning Consent 


Highcliffe & Walkford




Christchurch Town


405 (including the former Police Station site130)






Burton & Grange




Mudeford, Stanpit & West Highcliffe


935 (principally Christchurch Urban Extension 875)


Homes with Planning Consent – a response to a Freedom of Information Request (20th February) asking for full details of the 135 homes with Consent in Highcliffe has not been received (22nd March). This is a concern as homes in this figure may have already been built.

Identified Development Sites – The Neighbourhood Plan research confirmed, there are no development sites available in the Ward.  A position acknowledged by BCP Council. 

Windfall – This term is used for homes that may come forward after demolition of properties, infill or say ‘back-land’ or garden space. A figure of 410 would be the equivalent of 17/18 blocks of flats of a size proposed at 31-33 Wharncliffe Road (23 homes) which residents and the Parish Council overwhelmingly Objected to!

Examples of recent infill/ replacement housing – the development of 3 bungalows, creating cramped plots (replacing a single property) in both Germaine Close and Forest Close. This illustrates how an over ambitious ‘windfall’ approach has a serious and negative impact to the surrounding homes. The Applications were widely Objected to by residents and the Parish Council.

The Important bits and Concerns!

Housing – A ‘windfall’ of 410 homes, far and above the rest of Christchurch, is unreasonable and an impossible figure. It would significantly alter and have a negative impact on the ‘Character and Wellbeing’ of Highcliffe and Walkford. The implication would be a significant number of flat developments, which the area does not require, and would further unbalance the age profile and add pressure on the health/surgery services. 

Building heights in Waterford Road – this road is seen as a ‘Local Opportunity Street’ and is specifically mentioned in the Strategic Policy P16. ‘Will be suitable for proposals that result in building heights equivalent to no more than one additional storey (approx. 3 metres) above the building context height. Proposals will need to preserve the setting of the Grade II listed Greystones’ 

Building heights in residential areas – Strategic Policy BE4 covers aspects of building heights. Highcliffe & Walkford substantially comprises chalet bungalows/bungalows. In some areas a mix of bungalows and two storey homes. Great care will be needed to prevent, say, a three-storey home being built next to a bungalow resulting in a loss of privacy and ‘overlooking’. 

Your decision?

This is probably the one and only opportunity you will have to make your concerns know in the Plan process. Two prominent issues.

‘Windfall’ housing – an unrealistic figure has been put forward, given the implication of more flat developments.

Building heights – further assurances are required that in established residential areas the character of the existing housing stock will not be adversely impacted by homes above the height of surrounding properties. 

Have your say to BCP Council 

Two ways, either go to the website and give your comments  Publication Draft of the BCP Local Plan | Have Your Say Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (  or write to - BCP Local Plan, Planning Policy, BCP Council, Civic Centre, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY.  The consultation period closes on 3rd May 2024.
