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Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting31 July 2024

The Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council extraordinary meeting held on 24th July at 6.30pm was attended by three of your directors, and was indeed very interesting.

Here are some of the highlights:

There have been reports of sightings of otters near to some of our local waters, and the Parish Council is to commission a survey of the habitats in question The work to improve the two main paths down from the Cliffhanger car park has now been signed off by BCP Council, and work is expected to commence in the Autumn. Thanks must go to Councillor Andy Martin for all his hard work to bring this project to fruition

The Parish Council were very sorry to hear of the intended closure of the Co-Op on our high street, and they will be approaching the head office to seek for information and a possible avoidance of this plan. More information as it becomes available. Councillor Andy Martin has been meeting with representatives of the RNLI to discuss plans for coverage for Highcliffe next year and there will be an update very soon.

And from the meeting of 10th July, the Parish Council agreed to commission a further survey of the drains at The Old School as they consider their options on taking over the building from HRA. The main survey has now been carried out.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 11th September 2024, and we can highly recommend you coming along to hear reports of their work. It is also possible to ask questions at the commencement of each meeting, so don't be afraid to come along and have your say!

Check out the website for the agenda and papers:
