We're looking for your feedback! Read about our plans for the future
To all our members,
We have a couple of urgent news items to draw to your attention, and would ask that you consider each very carefully.
1. BCP Local Plan Consultation Document
Please be aware that the closing date for the submission of your comments to BCP on their proposals as contained in their Local Plan (as distinct from the Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan) is 25 March 2022.
Your Directors would like to emphasise that it is most important that everyone engages with this process, as many of the proposals will directly affect Highcliffe and its environs, and not necessarily positively.
In particular, we would draw your attention to sections 4.2 'New Market and Affordable Homes', 4.4 'Adapting our high streets and retail areas', and most importantly for Highcliffe, 4.7 'Our built environment'.
The link to the Issues and Options Document is https://haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/localplan
The implications of the consultation are wide ranging and will in fact override the Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council Neighbourhood plan where the two documents coincide in the future.
The Parish Council have undertaken a detailed analysis of the BCP Local Plan, and will be producing a report on its implications for Highcliffe. This will be discussed at the next Parish Council public meeting to be held on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 6.30pm in The Old School. The report is available as part of the papers for that meeting and is available on the Parish Council website: https://highcliffewalkford-pc.gov.uk/council-meetings
Click on the relevant agenda item, and you will be taken to the document.
Your Directors recently attended a joint meeting of the Residents Associations in the Christchurch area, at which it was agreed that a petition would be formulated with the intention of asking that a separate planning committee be set up for each of the three distinct areas in BCP council area.
The petetions title is 'Christchurch local residents wish BCP to create a planning committee that is made up purely from local Christchurch based Councillors, who will then be able to make informed decisions on local planning applications'.
The perception (borne out by recent BCP committee decisions) is that planning decisions have been made by Councillors who are not fully conversant with the area, or who understand local policies.
2000 signatures are required to have a matter heard by the BCP cabinet.
It is hoped that a paper petition will be placed in Highcliffe Library, and that there will be one available to sign at The Old School, or you can go to the following link to complete the petition on line:
We would strongly urge you to support this initiative, and to find some time to address the issue of the BCP Local Plan
With kind regards,
Highcliffe Residents Association