Concerns have been strong over BCP's plans to introduce parking meters in Highlife and surrounding areas. However, after a number of meetings with BCP councillors lead by Ian Hartnell (Chairman of Highcliffe Residents Association) and local resident Malcom Eastwood, the threat of zonal parking has been scrapped.
It is understood the proposal was to apply to the whole of the BCP area. The objections raised by Highcliffe residents have been credited with the plan being thrown out across the region.
Some seasonal parking restrictions would have been welcomed by many locals. However, BCP Council would not agree to Summer time parking measures. There were constructive discussions about ways in which the council could help alleviate traffic congestion and problems arising from inconsiderate parking. The outcome of those discussions is expected to be made public early next year.
Malcolm Eastwood said that he had been "impressed with the assistance and support received from both Andrew Brown and Matthew Carruthers from BCP". The cooperation received from Councillor Greene has been paramount. In addition Ward Councillor Nigel Brookes has been pivotal in resolving these issues among many others within the Highlife community.
The full proposal relating to the parking restrictions will be published within the Consultation Documents due for release during Spring 2022. Residents are invited to write to BCP Council with their support and views relating to the restrictions.